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752740 1 год назад 10:40This vlog follows a person walking 15 kilometers around Moscow's Garden Ring, a major road encircling the city center. They explore various landmarks, including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Arbat Street, and the Patriarchy Ponds, while sharing insights about Moscow's walkability and the city's unique ring system.
26362 10 месяцев назад 18:26This vlog follows a day in the life of a young person living in Moscow. The video starts with a morning routine, including making coffee and preparing breakfast. The viewer then joins the creator on a trip to the city center, visiting a museum and a cat cafe. The day concludes with a grocery shopping trip and the preparation of a traditional Russian dish.
35642 1 месяц назад 20:08This vlog follows a Russian YouTuber through a typical day in Moscow. They discuss their work, including editing and uploading videos, and their struggles with internet restrictions. The YouTuber also shares their daily routine, including meals, errands, and their desire to get a dog.
24772 1 месяц назад 15:12The video follows a traveler visiting family in Russia, navigating travel restrictions and exploring Moscow, rural villages, and St. Petersburg. The journey includes a train ride through vast landscapes, a visit to a bustling city, and a glimpse into the local culture and daily life.
14760 4 месяца назад 25:27