Привет, я Мини! В прошлый раз мне показалось немного разочаровывающим окунуть его только в молоко, поэтому я снова принесла ...
57277 2 месяца назад 9:56This video features a mukbang of various convenience store desserts, including Yonsei milk cream bread and cookie choux. The host tries different flavors, such as caramel, chocolate, strawberry pistachio, black sesame, chestnut tiramisu, and melon. They share their thoughts on each flavor and texture, highlighting the satisfying and delicious experience.
1564 2 месяца назад 9:16This video features a mukbang of various convenience store desserts, including Yonsei Milk Cream Bread and Lara Sweet Roll Cake. The reviewer explores different flavors, including low-sugar options, and shares their thoughts on the taste and texture of each item.
44852 6 месяцев назад 8:01