Привет, я Минии! Я подумывал о торте для вечеринки вдвоём. Я собирала разные тортики-черпаки 😁 Я много раз бывал в раю, потому ...
122906 1 год назад 9:56This mukbang features a variety of low-fat scoopable cakes, including blueberry, pumpkin & sweet potato, mugwort & black sesame, coconut caramel, cookies & berry, and macadamia chocolate. The video showcases the unique ingredients and flavors of each cake, highlighting the healthy and delicious aspects of this dessert.
36323 1 месяц назад 8:49This video reviews various vegan and gluten-free desserts from different brands, including Lamore, Zigen, and others. The reviewer explores the unique textures and flavors of these desserts, comparing them to traditional options and highlighting their strengths and weaknesses.
17550 3 недели назад 34:43This video features a mukbang of various desserts, including cheesecakes, bread puddings, and mango cream cheese. The person eating the desserts describes their flavors and textures in detail, and also shares their thoughts on the keto-friendly options. The video ends with a spicy noodle dish to help combat the sugar rush.
80865 10 месяцев назад 13:56