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Uppababy Vista V3: Comprehensive Folding Guide

In order to keep our recommendations up to date, we maintain a 'Buyer's Guide' (with a wide spectrum of models, and a lot of technical and lifestyle-related information). Organizing our recommendations this way makes it easier to include good models that we haven't made review-videos for yet, as well as to remove models which have developed unforeseen wear-issues over time, or which have been weakened by the manufacturer in their current iterations. You can access the guide (in addition to our 4-part video series on Choosing the Right Stroller for your Lifestyle, and other helpful content) on Patreon:   / stroller-buyers-37953864   These materials are also available via channel membership on Youtube:    / @barnevognverkstedno   , and BuyMeaCoffee: In this video we demonstrate how to fold and unfold the Uppababy Vista V3, with the seat in forwards (world-facing) and reversed (parent-facing) positions, as well as with the bassinet, and how to remove elements like the seat-frame and wheels to get it as small as possible, as well as how to flatten the bassinet.
