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SVBONY SV503 102ED Refractor - First Impressions 2 года назад

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SVBONY SV503 102ED Refractor - First Impressions

Is the SVBONY SV503 102ED Refractor your next scope? SV503 102ED: (affiliate link) 00:00 Specs and Features 02:36 Imaging Setup 03:15 Imaging Results 03:53 Negatives? 05:14 A Question of Speed 06:16 Small Quibble 06:30 Final Thoughts My Equipment: Telescope: SVBONY SV503 102ED Imaging Camera: ZWO ASI1600MM Pro Mount: iOptron CEM40 Filters: 2" Baader f/2 3.5/4nm Narrowband SHO Guide Camera: ZWO ASI290MM Mini Guide Scope: Orion 60mm Guide Scope with Helical Focuser ZWO ASIAir Plus ZWO EAF (Electronic Automatic Focuser) Twitter:   / nickjlake   Insta:   / nickjlake   Astrobin: Video shot on Sony A7C Rode Wireless Go microphone system Photographs of the universe, with galaxies, stars, nebulae, supernovas, comets, planets, Moon, Sun. Inspiring wonder about the night sky, even from the light pollution of Chicago.
