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ASMR - Rambling, hands sounds and visual triggers 6 лет назад

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ASMR - Rambling, hands sounds and visual triggers

Please use your headphones to get the best experience from this video. Hi everyone! First of all, I am so sorry I was gone for 2 months just like that. I've had so many changes in my life, I couldn't possiblity keep on making videos every week. I do not want to say too much about what happenened, but I dealt with a break up, moving out, moving in, I have to say it was tough. This is the first video I film since all this, it's not perfect, it is improvised, but I hope you will enjoy it nevertheless. I mainly focus on hands sounds and visual triggers in this video. I believe I mentioned these channels in the video, let me know if I forgot some : Slight Sounds ASMR ASMR Zeitgeist Karuna Satori ASMR Calliope whispers I hope you enjoyed this simple video, please let me know what kind of videos you would like to see next in the comment section. As this has been requested, I created a Patreon page where you can support me, only if you want to :   / behindthemoons   You can also follow me on twitter and instagram to be updated on videos recordings and everything behind the scene :   / behindthemoons0   Instagram : BehindTheMoons Thank you !
