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Why is Lesotho a Country? 2 года назад

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Why is Lesotho a Country?

The Kingdom of Lesotho is certainly one of the lesser known countries in Africa, it is tiny but it's a gem of an enclave. It earned the nickname Kingdom in the Sky due to its mountainous terrain, it is the world's highest country and no part of it lies below 1,400m above sea level meaning it has the highest lowest point of any of the world’s nations. Lesotho is located in the Southern Africa region and has no borders with any other country, but South Africa meaning it is completely surrounded which just like San Marino and Vatican City, makes Lesotho one of the only three countries in the world to be completely landlocked inside another single nation-state. Support us on Patreon:   / risenafrica   Paypal: Stay tuned and remember to subscribe
