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Скачать с ютуб Buckyballs: The Amazing Magnetic Desktoy You Can't Put Down! в хорошем качестве

Buckyballs: The Amazing Magnetic Desktoy You Can't Put Down! 15 лет назад

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Buckyballs: The Amazing Magnetic Desktoy You Can't Put Down! Surely by now you've heard of Buckyballs: The Amazing Magnetic Desktoy You Can't Put Down! It's been the top selling gift in American stores for over a year (over 1,000,000 sets sold). It's been featured in every US magazine on newsstands (Esquire, MAXIM, People, WIRED -- Rolling Stone even called it "Toy Of The Year!"). Google even recently celebrated the 25th anniversary of the scientific breakthrough for which it was named by linking straight from the logo on their home page to the search term "Buckyballs". But that's just the start. Go to to see 'em in action!
