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Скачать с ютуб Big Turbo Genesis Coupe 2.0 Dyno Pull, Street Pull 2nd Gear, and Two-Step. в хорошем качестве

Big Turbo Genesis Coupe 2.0 Dyno Pull, Street Pull 2nd Gear, and Two-Step. 6 лет назад

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Big Turbo Genesis Coupe 2.0 Dyno Pull, Street Pull 2nd Gear, and Two-Step.

Dyno Pull at Performance HQ San Antonio TX during Road to TX2k18 event, car made 413rwhp and 328rwtq at 20psi on my South Carolina tune. These are the corrected numbers as owner came and found me afterwards stating it had been reading about 30 low. Street Pull was just so buddy could hear it. Two step same story. Subscribe for more content!
