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Top 5 - Best MMORPG Games 2020 - Upcoming MMORPG 2020

Hello Geekers, and welcome back to another video, in this one we will be talking about the upcoming new MMORPG games for 2020. A lot of new MMORPG in this list. We are super excited about these new games, we have played Lineage II, WoW, Archage and many more :) Have you played any of those games? are you a hardcore MMORPG Gamer? do you want a new experience? then all these new games are for you! Here is the List in case you were too lazy to watch the video :) Top 5 MMORPG 1. Last Oasis 2. Fantasy Star Online 2 3. Dual Universe 4. Chronicles of Elyria 5. Life is Feudal
