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Welcome to Tracy Turco's Palm Springs Tiki House! 2 года назад

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Welcome to Tracy Turco's Palm Springs Tiki House!

The Tiki House is a 1961 William Krisel classic, lovingly restored by Tracy Turco with the goal of transporting you to the South Pacific. As seen in Atomic Ranch, Dwell and various other TV shows, this iconic home takes mid-century tiki-style to the max with its bold use of color and eye-popping design. Upon arrival, you're greeted by a bright yellow and orange triangle exterior, along with Tiki totems and vibrantly colored front doors. Walk through the courtyard entrance and be transported back into the 70's with a fun and groovy designed layout. Inside, you’ll find retro-inspired finishes married with simple modern conveniences, all within an explosion of colors, patterns, and fabrics that embrace the Palm Springs lifestyle. The perfect tropical weekend getaway with 3 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, and a killer outdoor lounge area to entertain guests. Plenty of mid-century decor to enjoy mixed with vintage furnishings from local retail stores, and artwork from world renowned influencers such as Salvador Dali, Peter Max, Olan and Palm Springs’ own famous Shag. Don't miss out on your chance of owning one of the most sought after vacation destinations the desert has to offer!
