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TURNING CHALLENGES INTO TRIUMPHS | With Ricky Mehra | The Business Spotlight

Welcome to the Business Spotlight Series with your host, Kay Cote! In this insightful episode, Kay sits down with Ricky Mehra, the visionary Managing Director of My Law Matters. Ricky shares his inspiring journey from aeronautical engineering to pioneering a client-focused, tech-driven law firm during the pandemic. Discover how Ricky turned challenges into triumphs, created jobs in uncertain times, and introduced innovative legal services like flight delay compensation claims. Learn the secret to scaling a business with the "three pillars"—People, Process, and Profit—and how My Law Matters is redefining client experiences with a welcoming and approachable culture. Whether you're an entrepreneur, a legal enthusiast, or curious about modern business strategies, this episode offers invaluable insights into leadership, innovation, and growth. Don't miss it! You can get in touch with Ricky Mehra here on LinkedIn: 🔔 Want your business to be featured as our next Business Spotlight? Book in your FREE podcast slot today via our website: #business #advice #podcast #businessowner #businesstips #growth #businessgrowth #businesslesson #businessessentials #howtostartabusiness #businessstrategy #businesspodcast #motivation #thebusinessspotlight #success
