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Скачать с ютуб Starling Arrow - Wild Sweet (Music Video) - Ayla Nereo, Rising Appalachia, Tina Malia, Marya Stark в хорошем качестве

Starling Arrow - Wild Sweet (Music Video) - Ayla Nereo, Rising Appalachia, Tina Malia, Marya Stark 2 года назад

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Starling Arrow - Wild Sweet (Music Video) - Ayla Nereo, Rising Appalachia, Tina Malia, Marya Stark 'Wild Sweet' From the upcoming album 'Cradle' Written and Composed by Ayla Nereo Produced by Tina Malia Performed by Starling Arrow (Ayla Nereo, Leah Song and Chloe Smith of Rising Appalachia, Tina Malia and Marya Stark) Video Directed by Ayla Nereo Filmed and Edited by ‪@hartiganmedia‬ Assisted by ‪@reidasage‬ Lyrics: go my wild sweet here for you as you for me go my wild sweet here for you as me held beheld seeds and ashes be meeting marvel silken unravel mighty become subtle go my wild sweet here for you as you for me go my wild sweet here for you as me we will cocoon with the season we will sing without reason and emerge with widened wings since the stir the wakening dark the way be a maze to the farthest we will wonder go my wild sweet here for you as you for me go my wild sweet here for you as me marvel unravel mighty subtle held / beheld wild sweet wakening dark become i’ll be a bud, be a blooming, be fruit at its peak i will ebb and release to the silence i’ll be a rising flight in the morn and moon wide is the sky we will dream we will cocoon with the season we will sing without reason and emerge with widened wings we will cocoon with the season we will without reason and emerge with widened wings we will cocoon with the season we will sing without reason and emerge with widened wings we will cocoon with the season we will sing without reason and emerge with widened wings Find us online:   / starlingarrow     / starlingarrow   Stream and Download our Music:   / starlingarrow  
