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Скачать с ютуб I Used Random Loadouts in an LFG Salvation's Edge, Here's What Happened: в хорошем качестве

I Used Random Loadouts in an LFG Salvation's Edge, Here's What Happened: 4 месяца назад

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I Used Random Loadouts in an LFG Salvation's Edge, Here's What Happened:

In today's video, I decided to run some LFG Salvation's Edge using Bungie's in-game Fireteam Finder feature but I also decided to do it with the twist that I need to use a DIM Random Loadout for each encounter. Here's how it went! My Information: Twitter:   / all_the_players   Twitch:   / all_the_players   YouTube: Discord:   / discord   #destiny2 #destiny #grandmaster
