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10 Bad Fuel Pump Symptoms - Signs of a Failing Fuel Pump - Top Rated Fuel Pumps - Become our Sponsor The fuel pump is expected to wear out over time of use, so you'll need to replace it eventually. Failure to replace the fuel pump has many negative effects that affect the performance of your vehicle as a whole. As a result, you must change the fuel pump as soon as it breaks or even before it does. Timecode: 00:00:00 - What is the fuel pump, and what does it do? 00:00:50 - 10 bad fuel pump symptoms 00:01:07 - Power loss 00:01:19 - Car overheating 00:01:46 - Engine sputtering 00:02:11 - Problematic fuel pressure gauge 00:02:33 - Vehicle not starting 00:02:53 - Low fuel economy 00:03:23 - Engine surges 00:03:40 - Difficulty starting 00:03:58 - Fuel tank whining 00:04:32 - Engine overheating 00:05:09 - How much does it cost to replace a bad fuel pump? 00:05:35 - How often should I replace the fuel pump? ****** Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. This means that I may receive a commission if you click on an Amazon Affiliate link and make a purchase. This helps support my channel and allows me to continue to make videos like this. Thank you for your support!
