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Balaram Stack | HOME FIELD | New Era Cap

Each September, as east coast beaches are liberated from summer tourists, Balaram Stack comes home to Long Beach, NY. He comes home for a lot of reasons, but mainly to surf the hurricane swells that spin up the Eastern Seaboard. This is fall on the north east and for local surfers it’s the epitome of patience rewarded. Subscribe to New Era: About New Era: New Era® is an international lifestyle brand with an authentic sports heritage that dates back over 90 years. Best known for being the official on-field cap for Major League Baseball, the official sideline cap for the National Football League, and the official on-court cap for the National Basketball Association, New Era¨ is the brand of choice not only for its headwear collection, but also for its accessories and apparel lines for men, women and youth. The brand is worn as a symbol of self-expression by athletes, artists and some of the most interesting people around the globe. Connect with New Era: Instagram: Twitter: Facebook: Balaram Stack | HOME FIELD | New Era Cap    / neweracapcompanyinc   #neweracap #BalaramStack
