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Complete Guide: Agadir, Morocco

In this new series we are going to explore the beautiful moroccan city of Agadir. In this video you are going to get tipps and recommendations not only about which sights you have to see but also food, restaurants as well as a hotel recommendation. 0:00-Intro 0:28-Agadir Marina 1:52-Food Recommendation 2:37-Agadir Kasbah 4:43-Food Recommendation 2 5:30-Hotel Recommendation 5:59-Jardin Olhao 6:54-Souk El Had 7:55-Central Mosque 8:17-Food Recommendation 3 8:46-Jardin Ibn Zaidoun 9:13-Amazigh Heritage Museum 10:22-Food Recommendation 4 10:40-La Medina 11:51-Outro #unexplored #agadir #morocco #travel #history #kasbah #citytravel #summer #summer2024 #citytravel #citytrip #traveling #traveladvice #maghreb #maghreb24 #moroccan #citytravel #northafrica #africa #travellife #advisor #completeguide #traveladvisor #medina #maruecos #moroccan #moroccanrecipes #moroccanfood #marokko #maroc #marocaine #food
