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Скачать с ютуб You Are the President of Your Life — excerpted from Q&A with The Council on November 6, 2024 в хорошем качестве

You Are the President of Your Life — excerpted from Q&A with The Council on November 6, 2024 1 месяц назад

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You Are the President of Your Life — excerpted from Q&A with The Council on November 6, 2024

You are the powerful creator of YOUR reality, and no one and nothing can take that power from YOU. Learn more about the Masters Class subscription programs: "Choose you. Choose to be in your power. You are the powerful creator of your reality. You are the president of your life. You are the president of how you feel. You are president of your perspective on everything. You are the president of what you focus on. You are the president of what you're voting for. You're the president of what you're getting more of. You're the president of your life and how you feel and how you think and what you choose. You are the powerful president of your life. And we assure you, nobody and nothing can take that power from you." Please Note: This channeled message was in response to the direct questions asked by members of the Masters Class Advanced Program and does not mean to imply that everyone who voted in any particular way did so from a state of fear, limitation, or separation. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Sara Landon is a globally celebrated transformational leader, spiritual teacher, and channel of The Council. She has been called a leader of leaders for the next generation of teachers, wayshowers, channels, coaches, and guides who are contributing to raising the consciousness and vibration on the planet at this time. Passionate about living her highest potential, Sara shines a light on the path for others to expand beyond the perceived limitations of the human experience and live as the realized masters that they are. For more information and resources, visit
