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Скачать с ютуб Where does great art come from? Damian Elwes paints legendary artist studios to find out | Unit в хорошем качестве

Where does great art come from? Damian Elwes paints legendary artist studios to find out | Unit 5 месяцев назад

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Where does great art come from? Damian Elwes paints legendary artist studios to find out | Unit

Damian Elwes’ latest solo exhibition with Unit continues his exploration of iconic artists and their studios. Above all, Elwes is interested in human creativity and his examination of artists’ studios endlessly fuels his curiosity on the subject. A culmination of meticulous research and extensive imagination, Studio Visit weaves through the spaces of numerous different artists, including Pablo Picasso, Yayoi Kusama, Henri Matisse, Damien Hirst, Frida Kahlo and many more. Join us for the opening Private View of Studio Visit at Unit on Thursday 11 July. RSVP is essential, please register your attendance here: #contemporaryart #picasso #keithharing #basquiat
