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As per a few requests here is my desk tour: the place where I spend most of my day hunching over a plethora of homework whilst trying to complete my endless to-do lists and in the process having very bad back posture! Hahaha... no but really, on school days this is the most used part of my room so it is essential for it to be organised and aesthetic. (this video is my desk tour (2021) where I share my aesthetic and functional workspace + stationary organisation system for the new school year.) Currently Reading - Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo Song Recommendation - Mom's Got Work by Adam Taylor Subscriber Count (when video uploaded) - 302 FAQs: How old are you? 16 Where do you live? The UK What year are you in? Year 12 (sixth form) Which subjects did you study at GCSE? Geography, History, Spanish and Drama (as well as the core subjects - English, Maths, R.S and Triple Science) Which subjects do you study at A-Level? English Literature, History and Psychology "In the end, we'll all become stories."