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Ben Price - The Art of Living: Well Building Blocks to a Better Tomorrow 7 месяцев назад

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Ben Price - The Art of Living: Well Building Blocks to a Better Tomorrow

How ready are you for your What Happens Next? Take this interactive quiz to see where you stand! Get insights on your preparedness and tips for improvement: Are you looking ahead and wondering what’s next in your 50s or 60s? Be the first to get insights from the new "What Happens Next" book, releasing in early 2025! Join the waiting list here: We're on a mission with "What Happens Next" to help people prepare for life’s big changes, sharing insights from top wellbeing experts. For monthly updates and key highlights from the project, click here: Ben Price, a former British Army soldier and the founder of Witterings Fitness discusses his journey from being overweight and unfit to completing an Ironman triathlon and becoming a well-being coach, helping others achieve their health and fitness goals. He outlines his “Super Six” wellbeing assessment model, which focuses on the key elements of physical and mental wellbeing: Move, Nourish, Think, Protect, Recover, and Connect. Price emphasizes the interconnectedness of these areas and offers practical advice on improving each one. He also discusses the importance of mindset, the power of small, consistent actions, and the value of community and accountability in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. 00:00 - Introduction: Meet Ben Price and the Art of Living Well 02:10 - From Unfit to Ironman: Ben's Transformation Journey 05:00 - The Importance of Holistic Wellbeing 10:00 - Introducing the Super Six: A Comprehensive Wellbeing Assessment 15:00 - The Role of Physical Fitness in Overall Health 20:00 - Nutrition and Nourishment: Beyond Just Eating Right 25:00 - The Merits System: Core Values Shaping Wellbeing Practices 30:00 - Importance of Movement and Enjoyment in Fitness 35:00 - Staying Humble and Open to Learning 40:00 - Integrity and Ownership in Personal Growth 45:00 - The Significance of Showing Up: Engagement and Consistency 50:00 - Connecting with Community: The Social Aspect of Wellbeing 55:00 - Recovering and Protecting: Managing Stress and Environment 60:00 - Emphasizing Sleep and Recovery in Wellbeing 65:00 - Practical Tips for Improving Daily Wellbeing 70:00 - Conclusion: Summarizing the Journey to Better Health and Wellness
