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ECG Watch: How it Works (Apple, Samsung A fib Watches / EKG)

Roger Seheult, MD of MedCram explains how atrial fibrillation can be detected on ECG Smartwatches and the advantages and limitations of this technology. View all Dr. Seheult's videos at: and his EKG course: (This video is MedCram COVID 19 update 140 and was recorded on December 7, 2021) Roger Seheult, MD is the co-founder and lead professor at He is Board Certified in Internal Medicine, Pulmonary Disease, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine and an Associate Professor at the University of California, Riverside School of Medicine. LINKS / REFERENCES: ECG smartwatches explained: How they work and the best on the market (Wareable) | Take an ECG with the ECG app on Apple Watch (Apple) | Through Apple Heart Study, Stanford Medicine researchers show wearable technology can help detect atrial fibrillation (Stanford) | ECG / EKG Interpretation Explained Clearly (MedCram) | All coronavirus updates are at (including more discussion on ECG watch, a fib watch, watch a fib, atrial fibrillation apple watch, ECG apple watch series 6, Samsung watch ecg accuracy, EKG on Watch, and more). SUBSCRIBE TO THE MEDCRAM YOUTUBE CHANNEL: Get notified of new videos by hitting the bell icon MEDCRAM WORKS WITH MEDICAL PROGRAMS AND HOSPITALS: MedCram offers group discounts for students and medical programs, hospitals, and other institutions. Contact us at [email protected] if you are interested. MEDIA CONTACT: Media Contact: [email protected] Media contact info: Video Produced by Kyle Allred FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA:   / medcram     / medcramvideos     / medcram   DISCLAIMER: MedCram medical videos are for medical education and exam preparation, and NOT intended to replace recommendations from your doctor. #COVID19 #ECGWatch #Coronavirus
