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Скачать с ютуб Scooby Blues - Cecil Alexander | Pickup Music в хорошем качестве

Scooby Blues - Cecil Alexander | Pickup Music 8 месяцев назад

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Scooby Blues - Cecil Alexander | Pickup Music

➡️ Explore more guitar lessons on Pickup Music with a 14-day free trial: The jazz maestro Cecil Alexander guides us through some of his favorite improvisation concepts. This lesson will teach you a set of blues-flavored licks, taken up a notch with advanced jazz ideas. If you want to learn more from Cecil, check out his awesome Advanced Jazz Improvisation Learning Pathway. This lesson has a lot of theory in it, so check out the TAB and work through each lick individually. You’ll need to really take your time to understand Cecil's thought process behind each phrase. While you can just copy the licks and play them back, knowing why they sound so awesome is vital – this analytical mindset will help you become a great jazz player. If you need to build up your foundational jazz skills try our Jazz Learning Pathway headed up by Cecil and Pickup Music founder, Sam Blakelock. This 3-month course will break you out of those boring old box shapes and set you on the path to jazz mastery! We offer a 14-day free trial so you can take a look before you buy. With full access to all our courses, interactive features, and personalized feedback from pro guitarists. Follow us: 🔗 Website: 📸 Instagram: @pickupmusic ♩ TikTok: @pickupguitar
