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Step-by-Step Guide to Buying your First Home in Greater Moncton

Are you a first-time homebuyer looking to navigate the Greater Moncton real estate market? Or maybe you're considering relocating here from another province? In this video we go through the step-by-step process of buying a home in the Greater Moncton area of New Brunswick. From how much you'll need to save up front, all the way to closing day and everything in between, we cover it all! ******** We are Denise Oickle and Marc Gallant, a husband and wife real estate team in the Greater Moncton and Southeast area of New Brunswick, Canada, specializing in residential home sales. CONNECT WITH US: Email: [email protected] Web: Facebook:   / deniseoicklerealtor   Instagram: Youtube: @Denise-MarcMonctonNewBrunswick Book a call:
