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Скачать с ютуб The Philosophical Struggle That Defined China - Hundred Schools of Thought в хорошем качестве

The Philosophical Struggle That Defined China - Hundred Schools of Thought 4 года назад

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The Philosophical Struggle That Defined China - Hundred Schools of Thought

Before Confucianism became the predominant philosophy of China, it had to contend against hundreds of other schools of thought. Had other schools won the ideological war, China would be a very different place now. The 10 Major Schools: 1. Confucianism 2. Taoism 3. Mohism 4. Legalism 5. Logician 6. School of Yin Yang 7. Diplomacy 8. Agriculturalism 9. Syncretism 10. Small Talk 🎶MUSIC by Epidemic Sound: 🎉SUPPORT US ON🎉 Decide future contents and other rewards on Patreon:   / coolhistorybros   One time donations on Kofi: 🎥PLAYLISTS🎥 Hundred Schools of Thoughts:    • Hundred Schools of Thought   Cool Chinese History (By release)    • Cool Chinese History   📚SOURCES: Ban Gu (班固), Book of Han (漢書) 🖥WEBSITE & SOCIAL🖥 Facebook:   / cool-history-bros-102814917992919   Twitter:   / cjleung_dst   #History #Documentary #Asia
