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Скачать с ютуб Did the the Salaf have Madhabs? | Ep. 3 | Debunking Madhab Myths with Dr. Shadee Elmasry в хорошем качестве

Did the the Salaf have Madhabs? | Ep. 3 | Debunking Madhab Myths with Dr. Shadee Elmasry 11 месяцев назад

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Did the the Salaf have Madhabs? | Ep. 3 | Debunking Madhab Myths with Dr. Shadee Elmasry

Episode 3: Difference of opinion amongst the Sahaba - This video answers questions regarding the 3 reasons why we need them. To Learn more about Arkview - go to and discover a range of Islamic courses from beginner to advanced levels in Arabic, Fiqh, Aqida. where to find Dr-Shadee & Safina Society - Instagram:   / safinasociety   Tiktok:   / drshadee   Facebook:   / safinasociety   Twitter:   / drshadeeelmasry  
