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MEGACITIES of the World (Season 1 - Complete)

Seven of the most amazing megacities around the world. Try Dashlane Premium free for 30 days here: Use the coupon code TDC to get 10% off Dashlane Premium. Megacities in this video include Tokyo, Japan; São Paulo, Brazil; Cairo, Egypt; Mexico City, Mexico; New York, USA; Dhaka, Bangladesh; and Paris, France. Subscribe to TDC for more videos like this:    / thedailyconversation   Video by Bryce Plank All images and video clips protected by the 'Fair Use' provision in United States Copyright Law: CREDITS: TOKYO: Drone/helicopter videography courtesy of:   / bigheadgregdrone      • 4K東京空撮素材 Tokyo Aerial 4K footage   Music: "Keep Em Coming" "Where Soul Meets Body" The Muse Maker:   / themusemaker   SAO PAULO: Drone footage courtesy of:    • SAMPA - São Paulo vista por cima      • Sao Paulo 4k - Brazil Drone Video   CAIRO: Editing help from Robin West Music: Matt Stewart Evans:   / tracks   YouTube audio library Motion Array Full piece by NPR's Jane Arraf: MEXICO CITY: Music from Motion Array's library DHAKA: Dhaka five part documentary:    • Dhaka - Part 1 of 5 - The fastest gro...   Beautiful shots of Dhaka:    • Dhaka - Bangladesh   Footsteps interviews with citizens of Dhaka:    • Видео   "Dragon and Toast" by Kevin MacLeod "Jalandhar" by Kevin MacLeod "Heavy Interlude" by Kevin MacLeod "Far Away" by MK2 NEW YORK CITY: Citizen Jane:    • Citizen Jane: The Battle for the City...   Matt Stewart-Evans   / mattstewartevans   Glimpse:   / glimpse_official   PARIS: Hyper-lapse footage courtesy of: Tyler Fairbank    / tylerfairbank   www.TylerFairbank.com0 Pavel Tenyakov    / @paveltenyakov   0:00 Start 0:22 Tokyo, Japan 12:08 São Paulo, Brazil 22:55 Cairo, Egypt 32:14 Mexico City, Mexico 40:43 New York City, United States of America 53:50 Dhaka, Bangladesh 1:00:49 Paris, France
