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This is BEST Way To Sell Your Art! 9 лет назад

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This is BEST Way To Sell Your Art!

✎ Get free access to our vault of PDF summaries for every YouTube video here: ✎ In this episode of Ask Evan, Evan Carmichael responds to a question from Ronda Young, an artist who creates clay figurines. Ronda lives in a rural area where her art is considered non-essential, and she wants to know how to make her work essential. Evan offers three key pieces of advice to help artists like Ronda succeed. First, he emphasizes the importance of standing for something important. By associating her art with a meaningful cause, like peace, Ronda can make her figurines more than just decorative items—they become symbols of a larger mission. Evan's second tip is to tell your story. He stresses that one of an artist's biggest assets is their personal journey and the stories behind their creations. Sharing the inspiration, struggles, and passion that go into each piece helps potential buyers connect on a deeper level, making them more likely to purchase and support the artist's work. This emotional connection can turn casual viewers into loyal customers. Finally, Evan advises getting the message out by connecting with influencers and media. He suggests finding people who share similar values and missions and collaborating with them to spread the word about her art. This could be through social media, YouTube, or other platforms where these influencers have a presence. By having a clear mission and a compelling story, Ronda can attract the attention of these connectors, who can help amplify her message and reach a wider audience. Evan encourages all artists to stand for something important, tell their stories, and reach out to influencers to grow their business. ★★★ JOIN ME LIVE ★★★ • I go live every week. Join me & ask your questions: • or You can ask your question in our Discord: ★ BOOKS ★ • Momentum: • Build to Serve: • Your One Word: • The Top 10 Rules for Success: • 254 Confidence: ★ RECOMMENDED VIDEOS FOR YOU ★ If you liked this video, you'll love these ones: • How to Create Real SOCIAL Change With Your ART! | #ModelTheMasters -    • How to Create Real SOCIAL Change With...   • Program Your BRAIN for WEALTH and SUCCESS - Best Bruce Lipton MOTIVATION -    • Dr. Bruce Lipton: The Only Way To Cha...   • Zig Ziglar Motivation: FAIL Your Way to SUCCESS! -    • What Zig Ziglar Learned From Reading ...   ⚑ SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL ⚑ If you want to do great things you need to have a great environment. Create one by subbing and watching daily. ツ CONNECT WITH ME ツ Leave a comment on this video and it'll get a response. Or you can connect with me on different social platforms too: • My Live Calendar: • Instagram:   / evancarmichael   • Tiktok:   / evancarmichael   • Discord: • Twitter:   / evancarmichael   • Linkedin:   / evancarmichael   • Facebook:   / evancarmichaelcom   • Website: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for watching - I really appreciate it :) Much love, Evan #Believe
