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15 Best Hospitals in the World

What are 15 Best Hospitals in the World? Hospitals are not finding it easy these days. New diseases are springing up as modern lifestyles and environmental pollution is damaging mankind’s health. These contemporary challenges are forcing folks to develop an interest in how good hospitals are. Unfortunately, economic stress and the pandemic are affecting both the ability of the hospital to deliver and patients’ ability to seek medical help in the best hospitals. That’s why we’re interested in the rankings of hospitals around the world. In this video, we’ll be looking at the 15 best hospitals in the world. Attention is drawn to the spectrum of quality of service and success rate. Our ranking agrees with and is based on data from Newsweek magazine for the year 2023. 15. The University Hospital of Basel, Switzerland We begin this journey of exploration in Switzerland, the home of the University Hospital of Basel, one of the 5 university hospitals in the country. Until 1865, it was known as Bürgerspital, the German word meaning Citizens’ Hospital. That same year, the Canton Basel-Stadt, the University of Basel, and the hospital signed an agreement that brought in all many professionals. In 2004, it was called the Kantonsspital or the Cantons Hospital and later Universitätsspital or the University Hospital. The hospital has 50 clinics, units, and institutes—all working together in an interdisciplinary manner with a staff strength of about 5000. 14. The Lausanne University Hospital Still in Switzerland, we have the Lausanne University Hospital. It’s another one of the 5 university hospitals in the country. Every year, over 45,000 patients benefit from its medical services. Also, about 3,000 babies are born in the hospital’s obstetrics department every year. The hospital with approximately 9,000 employees acts as a general university hospital for the city, covering all areas of medical treatment. It also offers acute and specialist care for Canton of Vaud and some neighbouring Cantons. 13. University Hospital Heidelberg In Germany, there’s a hospital known as University Hospital Heidelberg. It is a university hospital in Heidelberg with its 1,991 beds making it one of Germany’s largest medical centres. It’s closely linked to the Heidelberg University Faculty of Medicine’s Heidelberg University Medical School. Founded in 1388, it’s the oldest hospital in the Federal Republic of Germany. Over a million patients are annually treated at the University Hospital Heidelberg which is especially renowned for cancer treatment. Subscribe to my Channel: Website: ✅ For business inquiries, contact me at [email protected] ---------Support my channel------ Bitcoin: 3AUhicWAZ2WhsuajJaY2MhBQustFx18hQn Paypal: [email protected] Try Tubebuddy for free: IMPORTANT INFORMATION This video contains images that were used under a Creative Commons License. If you have any issue with the photos used in my channel or you find something that belongs to you before you claim it to youtube, please SEND ME A MESSAGE and I will DELETE it immediately. Thanks for understanding. Click here to see the full list of images and attributions: #hospital #besthospital #health #healthcare #doctor #nurses #medical #generalhospital #universityhospital #medicalcentre #medicalcenter
