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Bipul Chettri - Syndicate (Album - Maya)

'Syndicate' is a simple story of two ordinary people sharing a public space and the individual fantasy world we sometimes enjoy ourselves to be in. 'Syndicate' refers to the vehicle reservation offices which are common in the hills of Kalimpong and Darjeeling. It won this year's Hits FM Music Awards for Best Pop/Rock Composition and Best Male Pop Vocal Performance. SHOW SOME SUPPORT & BUY THE SONG. iTunes - OkListen - Spotify - Amazon Music - Google Play - Gaana - Bipul Chettri - Acoustic Guitar & Vocals. Pranai Gurung - Guitars. Rahul Rai - Bass. Ramon Ibrahim - Horns. Reuben Narain - Drums. Cover Design - Nima D.T. Namchu. Photography - Sonam Tashi. Lyrics, Composition and Arrangement - Bipul Chettri. Recording, Mixing & Mastering - Anindo Bose. Producer - Bipul Chettri Executive Producer - Sonam Tashi All Rights Reserved by Bipul Chettri. 2015.
