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Limerence, Attachment, and Childhood Trauma 8 месяцев назад

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Limerence, Attachment, and Childhood Trauma

Hello Everyone! At the moment, I won't be releasing a weekly podcast but I'd like to from time to time as requested by YOU the subscribers. Thank you! So you may be wondering "what is limerence?" Limerence is a present and deep emotional preoccupation or obsession with another person, and it's something that can really take over one's life until it runs its course, or we can do some work and get out of limerence faster like burst the bubble... Join me for Episode 4 where we explore "Limerence, Attachment, and Childhood Trauma." Learn more about Patrick Teahan, Childhood Trauma Resources and Offerings ➡️ MUSIC IS BY: Chris Haugen - Ibiza Dream    • Chris Haugen - Ibiza Dream   St. Helena - The Blue and the Red    • The Blue and the Red   Editing Service: ⚠️ Disclaimer My videos are for educational purposes only. Information provided on this channel is not intended to be a substitute for in person professional medical advice. It is not intended to replace the services of a therapist, physician, or other qualified professional, nor does it constitute a therapist-client or physician or quasi-physician relationship. If you are, or someone you know, is in immediate danger, please call a local emergency telephone number or go immediately to the nearest emergency room. If you are having emotional distress, please utilize 911 or the National Suicide Hotline 1-800-273-8255
