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1. What is Demand Planning? 2 года назад

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1. What is Demand Planning?

This video answers the question: What is Demand Planning? It shows how Demand planning is a prediction of what a company intends to sell in the future and consists of determining what demand there will be for its products and building plans to support that demand. Explore content on supply chain optimization, demand forecasting, inventory management, and strategic planning. Join us as we revolutionize your supply chain operations and drive business success with cutting-edge solutions and strategies. Visit website and follow us on social for more: Official website: Linkedin:   / o9solutions   Twitter:   / o9solutions   Facebook:   / o9solutions   TikTok:   / o9solutions   Instagram:   / o9solutions   #supplychainmanagement #esg #financialplanning #digitaltransformation #supplychain #supplychainsolutions #supplychainanalytics #revenuemanagement #demandforecasting #o9 #sustainability #supplychainnews #supplychainissues #integratedbusinessplanning
