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How to Decorate Japandi

In this video, I continue my series of the most popular interior design styles with Japandi! Japandi is a very popular interior design style in 2021 because of it's calm simplicity. It is a beautiful blend of Japanese Wabi Sabi and Scandinavian Hygge, perfectly matched with simple, modern furniture and a neutral palette. This style to me feels fresh, contemporary, personal, calming and serene. I give you a breakdown of the overlap between Scandinavian design and Japanese Zen to create Japandi, and I explain the benefits of this design style, tips on how you can achieve this look in your own home, and my favourites Japandi places to shop! 🛍 Shop My Favourite Items on Amazon 🛍Shop This Video ➤ Amazon - Little Book of Hygge ➤ Amazon - Wabi Sabi Welcome ➤ Amazon - The Beauty of Everyday Things ⏱ Timestamps: 00:00 - How to Decorate Japandi 01:02 - What is Japandi Interior Design? 04:15 - What are the Benefits of Japandi? 04:48 - Who is Japandi Not For? 05:59 - Japandi Design Tip - Keep it Simple 06:39 - Japandi Design Tip - Use Lots of Wood and Neutrals 08:08 - Japandi Design Tip - Use Muted Colors 09:12 - Japandi Design Tip - Use Natural Materials 10:07 - Japandi Design Tip - Wabi Sabi and Embracing Imperfection 11:44 - Where to Shop Japandi 12:05 - Where to Shop Japandi - Local Artists 13:18 - Where to Shop Japandi - Old Faithful and Small Boutiques 14:20 - Where to Shop Japandi - Muji 15:05 - Where to Shop Japandi - Rove Concepts 🎬 My YouTube Equipment 🛋 Shop My Living Room Background ➤ West Elm - Bar Cabinet ➤ West Elm - Media Console ➤ Crate and Barrel - Dining Room Table ➤ Crate and Barrel - Dining Room Chairs ➤ CB2 - Marble Coffee Table ➤ Amazon - Frame Television 👉 All My Socials 👋 Heads up! Affiliate Disclosure! My videos, descriptions, and comments may contain affiliate links! If you buy something through one of the links, you won't pay a penny more, but I'll get a small commission, which helps me keep the lights on! Thanks!
