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Скачать с ютуб ASMR 4+ HR Steamy Scalp Check & Spa, Perfectionist Hairstyle, Photoshoot & Final Touch, Fire Cupping в хорошем качестве

ASMR 4+ HR Steamy Scalp Check & Spa, Perfectionist Hairstyle, Photoshoot & Final Touch, Fire Cupping 4 месяца назад

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ASMR 4+ HR Steamy Scalp Check & Spa, Perfectionist Hairstyle, Photoshoot & Final Touch, Fire Cupping

Hi beautiful people! Hope you are having a wonderful Sunday. I haven't done a compilation in a couple of months so I hope you enjoy this compilation! I have some cool new ideas that I'm going to be working on in the next few weeks so stay tuned & please let me know what you would like to watch :) #asmr #asmrhairstyling #asmrscalpcheck 00:00:00 Steamy Scalp Check, Exfoliating Treatment and Oil Hair Pulling, Shampoo & Rinse | Soft Spoken 00:32:28 Perfectionist Scalp Check: Assessment, Massage, Treatment | Soft Spoken 'Unintentional' 01:05:11 Perfectionist Hair Styling & Accessorizing: Glam Braided Half Updo | Soft Spoken Unintentional 01:49:13 Perfectionist Hair Styling: Bubble Braid, Brushing, Hair Fixing Soft Spoken Unintentional 02:33:34 Perfect Back Exam: Fire Cupping and Massage on @MadPASMR | Soft Spoken 'Unintentional' Triggers 03:08:17 Perfectionist Photographer: Curly Hair Fixing, Makeup TouchUp, Final Touches | Soft Spoken 03:40:05 Luxurious Curly Hair Scalp Check & Spa: Assessment, Oil, Mask & Detangle: Spray, Wash, Rinse Contact me: [email protected] BECOME A MEMBER for additional perks and content!    / @ivybasmr   SUBSCRIBE and turn ON NOTIFICATIONS:    / @ivybasmr   JOIN PATREON for EXCLUSIVE CONTENT, early Access and more:   / ivyb_asmr   FOLLOW my TikTok @ivyb_asmr Send me new PROPS, OUTFITS, or GIFTS on Wear Headphones This is an ASMR medical, security or other type of roleplay. We're not real doctors, medical professionals or TSA security agents. This video is for relaxation and entertainment purposes only.
