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Скачать с ютуб T16AMR Ride-On Robotic Scrubber | Demonstration | Tennant Company в хорошем качестве

T16AMR Ride-On Robotic Scrubber | Demonstration | Tennant Company 3 года назад

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T16AMR Ride-On Robotic Scrubber | Demonstration | Tennant Company

The T16AMR is the first robotic floor scrubber designed specifically for industrial spaces like warehouses and 3PL facilities. The 16AMR can help you: Address common labor challenges, such as shortages or turnover, with easy-to-use robotic scrubber. Drive cleaning efficiencies and allow employees to focus on other high-value tasks. Maintain a high standard of cleaning with programmed cleaning routes and cylindrical brush head. Reduce detergent and water usage, saving you money and minimizing your environmental impact, with ec-H2O NanoClean® technology. Clean for up to 13 hours in a 24-hour period with the fast charging high-capacity Lithium Ion battery option. Learn more about the T16AMR robotic floor scrubber: Subscribe to our channel:    / tennantcompany   Follow us on Facebook:   / tennant   Follow us on LinkedIn:   / tennant-company  
