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Propagation is by far one of the best Free VR shooters ive ever played! I would have happily paid money for this. creepy, awesome graphics fantastic atmosphere plus great mechanics. An easy 9/10 in my books. Combining survival horror and static wave shooting, Propagation VR will get your adrenaline pumping as you try to survive the apocalypse brought on by a mysterious virus. Armed only with your guns and your fists, fight off terrifying zombies and other multi-species mutants. Will you get out alive? Live The Horror Trapped in an abandoned subway station filled with monsters from your worst nightmares, you can only count on your cold blood and your skills to survive. You might get a little help... or not. Throughout this short but intense immersive experience, thrilling cinematics and a variety of enemies will keep you on your toes. Unable to move and trying to strategically manage the horrific monsters coming at you, you will truly live the horror. The realistic handling of weapons will add to the tension, as you try to think straight and manage your ammunition. Surviving Propagation VR is a challenge you will remember. Follow Me On TWITCH:   / caspersight   SUBSCRIBE TODAY!    / caspersight   MY SET UP AND OTHER AWESOME STUFF YouTube Gaming / Sponsor    / @caspersight   MERCH
