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Скачать с ютуб Bengal Ram Navami Violence: Mamata Banerjee Vs BJP | Centra Hits Out At TMC | Hooghly Violence в хорошем качестве

Bengal Ram Navami Violence: Mamata Banerjee Vs BJP | Centra Hits Out At TMC | Hooghly Violence 1 год назад

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Bengal Ram Navami Violence: Mamata Banerjee Vs BJP | Centra Hits Out At TMC | Hooghly Violence

Political tempers run high following multiple instances of violence and communal rioting in the state of West Bengal. Chief minister Mamata Banerjee blames the BJP for stoking the fire, says they are 'maligning Lord Ram by inciting violence in his name', while BJP takes on the TMC government for 'failing law and order in the state'. What is the situation? Watch this news report! #bengalnews #ramnavamiviolence #mamatabanerjee #bjp #tmc #hooghly #howrah #englishnews n18oc_india
