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1099-A Form and 1099-C Tax Preparer Course 5 лет назад

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1099-A Form and 1099-C Tax Preparer Course

In this TaxSlayer Pro training video, we will discuss 1099-A Acquistion or Abandonment of Secured Property of 1099-C Cancellation of Debt. We will help you distinguish the differences between Forms 1099-A and 1099-C, determine if there is taxable income to report for your clients, how to complete Form 982, Reduction of Tax Attributes Due to Discharge of Indebtness, and how to enter some examples into the TaxSlayer Pro Desktop software. Want to upgrade to a cloud based tax software that will help you run your tax business from anywhere at any time? Check out our ProWeb tax software here: Stay up to date on any tax changes by reading up on our blog, or download our exclusive whitepapers for free here: Follow us on our social platforms here: Facebook:   / taxslayerpro   LinkedIn:   / taxslayer-pro  
