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AdventureSmart Trail Specific Safety Video - The Stawamus Chief Trail 2 года назад

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AdventureSmart Trail Specific Safety Video - The Stawamus Chief Trail

The Stawamus Chief is a granite monolith that stands 700m over Squamish, BC Canada with sheer cliffs dropping to the valley floor. Hiking to the summit of this granite outcrop has quickly become one of the most popular hikes in the Sea to Sky region. Although relatively short, this trail sees a high number of easily avoidable injuries and search and rescue incidents each year. Let AdventureSmart guide you through the Three Ts helping you plan, and prepare, for this famous Squamish trail. The British Columbia Search and Rescue Association supported this initiative. DISCLAIMER This video is for general educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended to be legal or other expert advice and reliance on such information or content of this video is solely at your own risk. This video is not to be used in place of proper planning, preparation, and professional advice. The British Columbia Search and Rescue Association and its affiliates make no representations, warranties or disclosures of any kind and do not assume any liability for the information provided on this video. Plan ahead and be prepared. If you find yourself in an emergency situation, use your communication device to call 9-1-1.
