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How Not To Age Made Me Eat These... 11 месяцев назад

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How Not To Age Made Me Eat These...

Best-selling author Dr Michael Greger is back with his NEW book How Not To Age. I've implemented MANY new dietary changes since receiving my copy of this fascinating read... Download my FREE vegan nutrition e-guide: 1-to-1 ONLINE COACHING: MEAL PLANS: CONSULTATIONS: MY COOKBOOKS: Want to help support my work? Donate via PayPal: [email protected] ** Follow Hench Herbivore ** Instagram:   / hench_herbivore   Facebook:   / henchherbivore   Twitter:   / henchherbivore   Website: ** Bio ** I'm Paul Kerton, a former Personal Trainer and Vegan Nutritionist, I am now a full-time Social Media Influencer. Not so long ago, in a misguided attempt to try and grow muscle as quickly as possible, I ended up eating more animal products than probably anyone you've ever met. Through research, I came to learn the deleterious effects that eating even quite trivial amounts of animal products has on one's health and through personal experience, I found that far from being a hindrance to sports performance, a well-planned vegan diet is actually optimal! Then with an open heart, I looked at how we treat animals in order for them to end up on our plates and it shook me to the core. I could not believe that for so long I fell for the lies that others tell us, that we tell ourselves, in order that we perpetuate this destructive behavior. Destructive to ourselves, the beautiful, intelligent sentient beings that are here with us and indeed our very planet. To try and put right my part in all of this I was compelled to overcome my fear of being filmed for YouTube and television, appearing on the radio and more recently public speaking. On a spiritual level, I've come to realise that my fellow man too is suffering. If I won't see harm come to a chicken I've never met then why would I be unkind to my brother man? If someone is being aggressive or unkind toward me, surely the suffering inflicted on them in the past is simply spilling over? Do I want to add to that, or can I step out of my ego long enough to forgive them and maybe break the cycle of negativity? This former, quick-to-anger "meat-head" bouncer has been on one transformative journey!
