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Скачать с ютуб The art of diminution in the 16th century в хорошем качестве

The art of diminution in the 16th century 4 года назад

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The art of diminution in the 16th century

For the footnotes and other extra information see the following link: 0:00:00 INTRODUCTION 0:03:15 DIMINUTION PROCESS DEMONSTRATION 0:07:50 GRAZIE / GRACES 0:10:53 IMPLICATIONS --------------------------------------------------------- Created by Elam Rotem and Jacob Lawrence, July 2020. Music examples sung by Jacob Lawrence and played by Elam Rotem. Special thanks to Catherine Motuz, Josué Meléndez Peláez, and Anne Smith. Support us on PATREON:   / earlymusicsources   Support us by getting an Awesome T-shirt:
