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Kings spiral continues, who is to blame for the current situation? 2 недели назад

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Kings spiral continues, who is to blame for the current situation?

Fox 40's Sean Cunningham, Brenden Nunes of The Kings Pulse Podcast and The Kings Beat's James Ham join forces for coverage of the Sacramento Kings. Topics include the Kings' four game skid, who is to blame for the 8-10 start, is it time to panic and are there any solutions? We also dive into another episode of the Business of Basketball focused potential fixes for the team. Thanks for joining us on this adventure! Big shoutout to Paul Jinkerson (@paulitition) for creating a new intro and outro for the podcast and to Brenden for creating our new overlay for the podcast. The Kings Beat merchandise shop: Jump on board with a premium subscription to The Kings Beat: Or start out with a free subscription to The Kings Beat: Want to advertise on The Kings Beat Podcast? We're taking sponsorship inquiries: #BlueWireVideo
