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Скачать с ютуб Cabo da roca & sintra | Europe from a drone в хорошем качестве

Cabo da roca & sintra | Europe from a drone 5 лет назад

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Cabo da roca & sintra | Europe from a drone

This is my first video in a series of a Portugal drone project I captured this summer. Cabo da roca is an eastern europenian place. You can walk along beautiful nature there. Of course, i tried to show the most interesting places such as praia da ursa - a small beach 1km away from the bus station. The most lazy tourists is a bit hard to get on the beach, so it is not so dirty as the lands above. Sintra is a place we stayed for that couple of days and it is famous for its castles. Pena and castle of the moors is the iconic places i saw from my drone Contact: [email protected]
