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DON'T Use Wealthsimple Trade Until You Know This...

I am a fan of Wealthsimple Trade and if you do want to use them, you check out the link below! (some have let me know that the referral bonus may not be working. I’ve been trying to troubleshoot this with WS for a while and will keep you posted. Regardless, you can sign up below!) The links above are affiliate links which Nathan Kennedy / New Money Nate Inc may earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus upon you signing up or visiting the site. This does not cost you anything at all and helps fund the channel to make more videos for you! Contact me with the email below! [email protected] Wealthsimple Trade is one of the best platforms in Canada for investors. Wealthsimple trade provides commission free trading and is a fantastic option for most investors...most. But until you know these few things, do NOT open an account with Wealthsimple Trade just yet! Please comment any questions on index funds, exchange traded funds, fire, Wealthsimple trade, financial independence, fire movement, personal finance, investing, index funds, ETFs or any financial freedom topics that you are unsure of! Let's get financially free together! Check out the Neo Card and their High Interest Savings Account Too! The content and information contained on this website/social media page and any resources/material available for download through this website/page is not intended as, and shall not be understood or construed as, financial, investment, tax, legal or professional advice whatsoever. I am not a financial advisor, attorney, accountant, nor am I claiming to be, and the content and information contained on this website/page is not a substitute for financial, investment, tax or legal advice from a professional who is aware of all the facts and circumstances of your specific individual situation. Nothing on this website/page constitutes a comprehensive or complete statement of the matters that may be discussed or the law(s) relating thereto. Nathan Kennedy / New Money Nate Inc is not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, special or punitive damages, under any theory of liability, including without limitation, damages for loss of profits, use, data, or loss of other intangibles. Nathan Kennedy / New Money Nate Inc will not be liable for damages of any kind resulting from your use of the website/page and content or material contained therein. Check out and subscribe to this page for more on personal finance, how to buy your first etf, Wealthsimple, Wealthsimple trade, best etfs, inflation, financial education, stocks, risk management, cons of Wealthsimple, cons of Wealthsimple trade, Wealthsimple trade bad, exchange traded funds pay yourself first, automatic bill pay, emergency fund, debt snowball and many other topics that will help you reach financial independence and retire early!
