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Скачать с ютуб 7 Piece Cocktail Shaker Bar Tools Set Brushed Stainless Steel Bartender Kit, with All Accessories в хорошем качестве

7 Piece Cocktail Shaker Bar Tools Set Brushed Stainless Steel Bartender Kit, with All Accessories 4 года назад

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7 Piece Cocktail Shaker Bar Tools Set Brushed Stainless Steel Bartender Kit, with All Accessories

Nothing like a smooth, creamy cocktail to lift your spirits. Get restaurant quality cocktails right in your home with this all-inclusive cocktail set. Shaker is equipped with a filter that’ll keep ice chunks and fruit pieces from falling into your drink. 2 stainless steel wine pourers enable you to accurately dispense wine without overpouring or making messes. Additionally, a bottle opener, muddler, and a chic velvet bag complete the set, ensuring you’ve got everything you need right there.
