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sushi ebi cutting machine,sushi ebi machine,Shrimp Processing Equipment 1 год назад

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sushi ebi cutting machine,sushi ebi machine,Shrimp Processing Equipment

Email: [email protected] Whatsapp & Hp: +86 188 232 55551 Foshan Zolim Technology Co., Ltd is located in Guangdong Province, China! We are a company specializing in the production of seafood processing machinery! We have many kinds of processing machines, such as shrimp peeling machine, shrimp grading machine, shrimp de-heading machine, sushi EBI cutter, shrimp meat soaking machine, defrost machine, frozen seafood separate from tray machine, shrimp cooking machine, shrimp cleaning machine, shrimp weight grader, fish weight grader, fish skinning machine, fish scaling machine, fillet cutting machine, washing machine, lifting machine, shrimp processing conveyor, fish processing conveyor, vibration machine, container, other auxiliary tools and so on. We have these advantage: 1, 20 years + Seafood Processing Machinery Production Experience 2, 60 countries + Seafood Processing Machinery Be Exported 3, 300 + Seafood Processing Machinery And Related 4, 1000 + Seafood Processing Machinery Success Case
