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Скачать с ютуб Lai's Speech Deceptive, Dangerous, Against Taiwan People's Interests: Scholars в хорошем качестве

Lai's Speech Deceptive, Dangerous, Against Taiwan People's Interests: Scholars 6 месяцев назад

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Lai's Speech Deceptive, Dangerous, Against Taiwan People's Interests: Scholars

Scholars from the Taiwan region and on Taiwan studies recently expressed disappointment with and anxiety over Lai Ching-te's radical stance of seeking "Taiwan independence", believing Lai's deceptive and dangerous remarks are against the interests of the people in Taiwan and sending "dangerous signal" to obstruct cross-Strait communications. Welcome to subscribe us on: Facebook:   / newscontent.cctvplus   Twitter:   / cctv_plus   LinkedIn:   / cctv-news-content   Video on Demand: If you are in demand of this video footage, please contact with our business development team via email: [email protected]
