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Скачать с ютуб A2 - Lesson 49 | zusammen etwas planen | Goethe Zertifikat A2 | German for beginners в хорошем качестве

A2 - Lesson 49 | zusammen etwas planen | Goethe Zertifikat A2 | German for beginners 5 лет назад

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A2 - Lesson 49 | zusammen etwas planen | Goethe Zertifikat A2 | German for beginners

#LearnGermanOriginal #LearnGerman #GermanLevelA2 @0:44: zusammen etwas plan: to plan something together. Learn German lessons online for beginners course - Level A2 - We help you learn german in a quick and easy way. Learn German Lesson 49 - To plan something together I zusammen etwas planen In this lesson you will learn some basic structures and phrases which you can use to plan something with a partner, just like in Goethe Zertifikat A2, Sprechen Teil 3 exam. In Goethe Zertifikat A2, Sprechen Teil 3 you will get a task, where you will have to plan something together with a partner spontaneously. The theme can vary, such as to plan a study meeting together, to buy a gift together, to plan a picnic or to go for a movie together. In the task both the partners are given cards with different amount of information on them and they cannot see the details on each other’s cards. So you will have to ask each other questions, make suggestions, have a discussion and find a solution in the end, based on the information given to you. To do so, you will be taught in this video the expressions, structures, questions, reaction words and vocabulary for various situations. The aim of the video is to prepare you for this part of oral examination. Related Videos: Was hast du am Wochenende gemacht?    • Learn German | German Speaking | Was ...   Was hast du im Urlaub gemacht?    • A2 - Lesson 48 | vom Urlaub erzählen ...   Ordinalzahlen    • Learn German | Ordinalzahlen | Ordina...   NEW!!! Download worksheet for FREE here:   / 26741918   Download TRANSCRIPT here:   / 26741919   Listen to PODCAST here:   / 26741921   It is highly recommended to listen, learn and practice. You can always pause and replay to hear something again. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to write! Support us at: Paypal: Patreon:   / learngerman   Watch our Playlists- A1 - A2 - Grammar - Vocabulary - Speaking - Do like our facebook page for more tips and interesting facts about Germany and other German speaking countries : FACEBOOK:   / learn.german.language   Also visit us here: TWITTER:   / learngermanlang   INSTAGRAM:   / learn.german.language   GOOGLE+: Learn German online for free with easy to understand lessons on our channel "Learn German". YOUTUBE: Please SUBSCRIBE to our channel on YouTube and start learning German today!
