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Скачать с ютуб Siege Airsoft Pistol Guide Pt.2 - Getting Your First Pistol Loadout and Attachments в хорошем качестве

Siege Airsoft Pistol Guide Pt.2 - Getting Your First Pistol Loadout and Attachments 3 года назад

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Siege Airsoft Pistol Guide Pt.2 - Getting Your First Pistol Loadout and Attachments

In this video, Beige talks about getting the right loadout for optimal pistol gameplay at siege airsoft. We go over pouches, holsters, lights, and much more! For this belt check out: For the Kydex holster in the video: Thanks to our community for sending in their Loadout pics for us to feature, more community features soon. TIMESTAMPS: Intro (0:00) Mag Pouches (1:20) Holsters (4:16) Dump Pouches (9:14) Lights (9:55) Tracers (13:03) Recap and Conclusion (14:00) ------ Siege Airsoft is Canada’s largest indoor Airsoft Tactical Training Facility, boasting an expansive 32,000 sqft and an unmatched blend of CQB environments and long engagements. Multiple 2 storey structures offer endless possibilities for scenario-based simulations. Whether you are new to airsoft or a seasoned veteran, we have something for everyone. Our trained and knowledgeable staff will lead you through a high-intensity experience you will never forget. Military and Law Enforcement usage also available. Website: Facebook:   / siegeairsoft   Instagram:
