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Punjab :Farmer Leader Jagjit Singh Dallewal Continues Hunger Strike At Khanauri Border|CVR ENGLISH 13 дней назад

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Punjab :Farmer Leader Jagjit Singh Dallewal Continues Hunger Strike At Khanauri Border|CVR ENGLISH

#punjab #farmeleader #jagitsinghdallewal #continues #hungerstrike #khanauriborder Punjab :Farmer Leader Jagjit Singh Dallewal Continues Hunger Strike At Khanauri Border|CVR ENGLISH CVR News English is one of the Largest Content producing English News channels in India. It's one of the leaders in producing and broadcasting unbiased and comprehensive news. ►Subscribe to CVR English LIVE: ►Subscribe to CVR News Telugu: ►Subscribe to CVR English Official: ►Subscribe to OM CVR: ►Subscribe to CVR Health: ►Visit us: ►Like us on Facebook:   / cvrenglishnews   ►Follow us On Instagram:   / cvrenglishnews   ►Follow us on Twitter:   / cvrenglishnews   CVR News English offers round-the-clock coverage of the latest breaking news and a unique mix of news bulletins, current affairs, and entertainment programs. CVR News Youtube Channels offers Latest News from India, Telugu States, Politics, Entertainment, Health, Sports Lifestyle, Devotional, National News, International News, and a lot more.! Stay tuned for all the breaking news in English!
